Future Wealth

The prosperity of the future

Departure to the NEXT-ECONOMY

“The prosperity of the future is the result of successful relationships. Between man and technology, economy and nature, between the growing self and the grown-up we.”

What’s next for globalisation? How does prosperity develop in a world characterised on the one hand by conflict and uncertainty, on the other hand by saturated markets and downright obscene excesses? What answers can be found for the enormous differences between rich and poor?

The core thesis of this talk is that with crisis and turbulence we enter into a new form of economy.

In the Next Economy, prosperity no longer develops with the growth of GNP or the increase of things, but in the quality of RELATIONS. The paradigm of LIFE QUALITY covers all economic sectors, industries and product worlds. RELATIONSHIP QUALITY is about creating smarter systems of cooperation and communication – from housing to medicine and the education system, to corporate culture and love to global contracts.

“A culture of excess requires new mental techniques from all of us. In the noise of goods and excitement we must learn to make choices. That’s the real luxury – and the true competence.“

  • The four phases of humanity: From the hunter and gatherer culture to the connective knowledge society.
  • What does “Next Economy” mean? Our prosperity and progress model put to the test.
  • Why crises are terrible, but necessary.
  • Intelligent Spatial Planning: GloCALization: The New Importance of Regionality and Origin.
  • Intelligent Design: Networked urban systems and their advantages.
  • Smart work: the new time prosperity of productivity.
  • The key concept of mindfulness: change of values in the new quality-of-life-society.